We put up this page to show the progress of his recovery..

Your Honor, The Court, Witnesses and Legal Representation, as of today that I Francis M. Pereira tells all "To Whom This Concerns That, THIS IS THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. SO HELP ME GOD! Now sworn in...
The Information that went to the second and 3rd, needed surgeries. In less than a year. And REAL Therapy!!

And this is 40 years agoFrancis Pereira "Frank" Has been a hard worker at his family business. He went out on weekends but having disabled parents gave responsibilities first, helping dad and mom but as far as being a drug addict , that's more lies by the legal department. Look at this picture between the age of 19/22 he was into working out, not getting spaced out. Of course he had a beer here and there but he went into the ARMY when he came back his arms were the size of his thighs.
Drum1He was a professional drummer since the age of 8, his instructor was Buddy Rich down at the old River Front Dinner Theater and he learned every muscle had a purpose and had complete control over all of them. he worked out daily and played drums frequently and every where, moving the equipment and such so scratch that off your list that he was a drug addict, seen in the april 21st hearing on Log 5. The lawyer didn't object bcause she was trying to make me a pot head.
He rarely went to doctors unless he actually needed to. He always was helping someone or working as he is very creative. also an entrepreneur like his father taught him with the family business. He was always coming up with new ideas to experiment on. His mother passed 4/29/87 from a stroke (high blood pressure) at 48 just 6 months before meeting his wife, his father passed he was 32 it was 7/4/95 from a heart attack he was 75. He worked here and there while building up an enterainment business while still traveling playing his drums. He was doing graphic arts and webdesign and I-commercials for Out On The Town Entertainment news Then he and Michael Davis went and created their own magazine inspired by Ron Meliment for a Philly Music Store which had a fall out when ITunes came out. So instead using what he learned of computers, Magazine layout and the 5 w's and with his artistic skills created The Philly Music Zone for musicians.
And these were his models from his online magazine He still played drums, guitar, bass, piano, keyboards and did sound production. Also a professional seasonal work being a Santa Claus He was in Parades. On The View and volunteered at many functions. He even disabled would sit in achair and still talk to the children. But the last couple years and his body depletetion he has only went out visiting once or twice in the last few years. S.Claus He Was in his late 40's when his wife (a school bus driver, not his) he would pick up from work, while waiting the owner gave him a few runs because he always was sweeping the yard or helping out with things while waiting for her to finish, It's all in his memoir down to being a special needs school bus attendant to which the Leahy's put him on a bus with a driver in training. (ILLEGAL) He broke his neck when the bus went over trolley tracks. being the size he was, he didn't feel it (BECAUSE he apparently suffered a stroke when hitting the main arteries in his neck) but seen the affects a few days later and told the boss.He went to the comp doctor who sent him nextdoor to the Frankford hospital who shipped him to Jefferson because they couldn't handle it. Jefferson performed (botched) the 1st neck fusion which left him home bound for 10 years, balled hands, unable to function without assistance until he heard the lawyer mention something to his wife about his head she seen a couple years ago when she was with the Spivack firm. So never hearing or knowing any of this and also always saying something isn't right, he went to a frontal lobe neurologist and they found a stroke from around the time he fell. getting in and out of bedSo ignored and untreated he would lay at home until talking to a neurosurgeon and the went in for a 2nd operation through the back. this seemed to correct a lot of things but not every thing as he obtained a hernia from getting in and out of bed it started in 2013. So he was on unwarranted house arresst all because litigation didn't do their job. And seems like no one over sseen the work, if you want to call it that. Thank God that we took matters into our own hands, because the ordered insurance company had no intention to and now he's 50% better off than he was, and has not fallen once since the surgery on 5/25/2022. And a shame as his business was just starting to take off. He had many skills which can be seen in the left nav bar of the memoir. To think all of this could of been prevented if the bus company did things in the correct manner.Instead started to take it out on his wife because she wouldn't give up information on my legal proceedings. (link on nav bar in memoir)

He was sought out by top people in the industry, had a real business taking off ,
UNTIL they put an ilegal driver on his bus. wrecking a dream that was coming true.

Me Cool Independant Entreprenueral Job Some Friends

The reason for his high demand stature, was beacause of his creative skills. and low bids!
Just to give perspective of his skills and creativity that were in high demand because he was negotiable.

This affected extra income "HIS TATTOO SKILLS"
LOST SKILLS Had a Life Before The Bus Co. | Angels | Graphic Arts | Web Designing | Santa Claus | Video Work

And this is after the second surgery helping hm walk and a few other bodily functions.

This gave him feeling in some areas, walk without assistance, and hope to getting a life after the therapy from the HERNIA surgery

getting in and out of bed This occured in late 2013 when trying to lift my self in and out of bed as I had no muscle tone due to lack of therapy from medical neglect from the responssible insurance company.The only doctor I kept seeing from Premiere was Dr. Bruce Levin who reccomened the NECK surgery numerous times and when finally introduced it was turned down by the court, but we both knew I needed it. Kept saying something isn't right and he listened, Well Dr. B. Levin I got it and so far you were right on the head.

Knew the problem also knew Mr. Pereira was being neglected (he left Premier Therapy) He was mentioning it to Mr.Pereira and his wife at the end of a visit. He had an office at 3, 2nd street in Philadelphia
(Philadelphia numbers still working)

My current P.C.P. & The finder of The Brody Report!

Approved for Herenia Surgery
Which he goes for a C-T Scan this week. In the meanwhile he obtained his mail in which showed a virtual hearing set up for September 1st 2022. The last time they made him miss the appointment to go to an I.M.E..., Not This Time, surgery first. Now to get the information for the imaging then decide the surgery date,

Tuesday 8/23/2022
He has an appointment with the cardiologist for the hernia surgery.

Friday August 26, 20229_1_22
At 6:00 am at the hosptial getting the C-T Scan for the hernia, called and let the surgeon know. waiting on a call back....
Well he called said tighten it up with my ab-master 2 and we meet the 16th while he goes over the plan which includes a plastic/Silicone plate in over it all not much mesh ,playin labrat seemed pretty ciil, just want to see it...Surgery Then... Then it's Pure Therapy! All set with Progress Therapy who is still shocked by my healing speed.

9/1/2022The Virtual Adjudication Hearinng
The Viral meeting was not the case, It was not for them even though they are the problem and they lied saying they paid the medical? I called Health Partners when I got home and let them know they took credit for their services and said they paid for the medical.
This is my 1st time dealing with court, never been arrested, never a claim and the driver was illegal why has it gone to this? As although it’s moving forward. It was for the conduct of my previous lawyers who left me to hang when asked why she with held evidence.
We stumbled upon when my doctor found a report from a doctor THEY sent me to but never put it into evidence (a mild stroke from the impact). We called them on it as we have proof of it (The Report) and it was never submitted to their briefs same as my statements never made it in. photo proof The article on Log 5 this is my private link www.francispereira61.com ( although looks compromised by previous lawyers Proof all through it. )

An Employee who had it happen to him in 2015 after me
Omar Lister Statement
Call his lawyer (numbers in the statement) find out why he is paying? why he was sued? He told us because Leahy had fraudulent insurance in 2015. and Omar had moved from that mailing address so they proceeded with out his knowledge.

NOW TO THE RECENT SURGERIES!And as usual Workers Comp trying to hinder it, calling Health Partners legal dept to send it (10 yearss worth) to the WACIS Server.

9/1/2022The Virtual Adjudication Hearing

Which was a waste of time but a little more informative of course I had a video camera on to get it on tape formy records Because of proof like this they want it to go under mediation because only a mediation judge can view my information on the web? What kind of B.C. is that? you can have actual on the record hearing via the internet but you cant make your case on it? The judge said he may never get to look at this site/journal because of policies?
WHAT the TRUTH? But we can have life altering court decisions online?PEOPLE!? THINGS HAVE TO CHANGE!!!!
Do you really expect that to continue without retaliation? You have no other alternative with disabled people, who have rights to, or who can't afford a lawyer because most of it is about the money not the true outcome for the worker or elsewise who got hurt on the job that the money is taken from their checks with no option. The Judicial part is admissible as long as you pay into the legal presentation. Pay even more, the better results but the prosecutor or defenders can't make their case on line ,providing their statements, pictures & other proof and their testimony?
So it's a one way street? you can, but the tax payers and prosecutors & Defendants can't? well you got a mediation hearing set and tell me I need a lawyer, but email me that's it's better for me to appear then call in? How about we have it in a court house where you can use wifi and a laptop to present your case? GET IT RIGHT FOLKS, THE COUNTRY IS ONLY 260 YEARS OLD, And new changes from technology and the pandemic, Global warming are all changing the world as we know it and if this is the way a disabled person can testify or just have a voice and proof to what is up here to assist this way of getting their story out, don't you think that would be fair? It is your 1st ammendant right the right to freedom to do so under the freedom of print and the freedom of speech! oh no all the lawyers would have to pay a web head to make their case presentable online. IT'S A VIRTUAL WORLD NOW!!! WHERE THE WORLD IS CLOSER TO COMING TO A NEW LEVEL, AND A NEW WAY OF LIFE!!! And to think, they had enough evil to say they have been taken care of me and paying the medical bills (L.M.A.O.), I CALLED HEALH PARTNERS LEGAL DEPT AS SOON AS THE HEARING WAS OVER. Did any one remember that, THE DRIVER WAS A TRANEE AND SHOULD NOT OF BEEN BEHIND THE DRIVERS WHEEL REGARDLESS AND THEY LET HIM AND WE WERE UNDER THEIR COMPANY POLICY, WELL I THINK IN THAT CASE THAT LEAVES THE OWNER RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT ILLEGAL DECISION. (Their insurance is trying to make me look bad, not the bus co.)

End of social media rant

I have statements from after my situation and the Leahy's went under a false name and fraud insurance, but continued to operate 3 years after the Pereira accident until busted in 2015. stated by Omar Lister
His phone numbers are in his statement name Omar Lister, Leahy had a new false names (one was TLC) and fraudulent insurance and the busoperator is still paying the damages , Omar’s number, the lawyer he has to pay phone number, are in his statement. He feels the way we do, no lawyer to represent him and innocent!!!!


9/28/2022 tele conference with the surgeon.
He explained that my healing abilities he can do an out patient like go in the morning and leave in the afternoon???? So what was the big deal with Temple and the surgeons Dr.Thomas Santora and Kwan Lau or lee, what ever, say LIARS? And all the home and progress therapy sessions, then refusing the surgery? A SCAM TO MILK THE HEALTH PARTNERS INSURANCE CO. IS THE ONLY THING THAT BOILS DOWN TO FROM MY OPINION, CALLING HEALLTH PARTNERS AND FILLING THEM IN TO SEE IF THEY PAID, JUST A WASTE OF TIME AND HARD TRAVELING FOR US (WIFE-UNCOMPENSATED CARE GIVER) ,YOUR BUSTED!!!!!!!!

10/8/2022 POST conference with the back surgeon.
Have an appointment with the back surgeons and then go upstairs for an EMG for the hernia surgery that has been set 10 days from now, thank God!!! Health Partners already sent me 10 visits while I was on the phone with their legel and investigative specialist about the last hearing on 9/1/2022 when Alliance put a bunch of we don't know what to the WCAIS server so I gave them the numbers for both parties so they can go through what they claim they did and upload 10 years of records to my server because they have records for them because they covered me and if Alliance Manufacturers or the Leahy's put up anything they didn't do, they are so busted because I will press charges because Health Partners will be doing their own thing, you did nothing to help me unless court ordered yet I was already awarded my claim. Health Patners had my back since 8/2012!

10/18/2022 My Hernia Surgery

Thanks for the prayers and for all the well wishers. I knew it was alright and while I was under, all I remember is talking to a bright light, this light told me my life stories, ambitions and plans for the future.
I want to thank all of you.
With out putting emojis on every comment and just tell you all, I love everyone of you who are my true friends. And those who don't really know me? The same to you also. Well I just woke up and the pain isn't as bad as I thought. I have others matters going on in my life that are so much more hurtful.
But wanted to say thank you. And goodbye to Gorgon Jr who got bigger then his father who was on the right side in 2006 from lifting the marble step for Scott (The Stone Cutter) Smedburg lol. Love ya bro.


GASTROENTEROLOGIST - Dr. Dave S. Weirnsing for a quick procedure 12 pm home by dinner (even though I can't eat solids yet) thank you so much.

And also thank you.
Christopher Perrone, Ben Hurtzig and Dr. Ali Kemal Ozturk for my neck procedure, You guys are ALL great and I will refer you often.
I want to thank Health Partners Insurance company for having my back for 11 years coming up you have been with me 24/7 everince the first botched fusion at Jefferson by Jallo and Lee and workers comp said I was denied and since PMA Group and Alliance Manufacturers Ins. Co. turned their back on me even after I was awarded in 2016 with only half my records for my claim turned in as other evidence was with held, PMA still taking me to court for every little thing and even while awarded under a court order. H.P.P. You Were There that I owe you my most sincerest gratitude.
Many prayers and blessings to you all.
Francis Pereira

10/27/2022 and things begin to settle and arise.

I had a headache, was laying down and almost drifting and my wife hands me the phone, It was a little late but it spooked my Halloween, It was Yolanda she was a nurse to my neurological team, she asked how I was? I told her just laying here trying to get rid of a headache stemming from the lump. She informed me that Ben Hurtzig wanted me to come in Monday the 31st of October at 10:00 am, I immediately said yes , now to see the problem, fix it, and to continue the research on all of satan's deciples who put me in this, and continue keeping the info out of the U.S. You keep playing.
And this McCORMICK LAW FIRM? keep the harrasement up, and the mail of the lies you are putting up, WE WILL FILL OUT A PADB FORM ON YOUR FIRM ALSO This insurance co has done nothing for us, we have been made to do it our selves as they want to take everything to court ( See all the non compliance in past hearings ) we know by the denial of the needed surgery that we had to do this with out a court date, even though the in the awards the Judge's order said (basically the whole cervical area) disc c-2/c-7 section and anything relevant, meanig it's relations (we mentioned comp) When asking about whats related and whats not he looked at us, his neurologist & stated "EVERYTHING IS RELATED BELOW THE CERVICAL SPINE AND IT'S ALL ATTACHED IN SOME WAY, They are rediculous to think otherwise. It's common sence."
C. PERRONE, Frontal brain lobe neurologist, MS specialist, Also found the stroke that Brody mentioned in his 2013 report.
and btw I don't have A.L.S., M.S., M.D., DEMENTIA Or any other hair brained slop, you want to sling but what happens when it starts to sling back? ( btw It's called "filing falsified federal documentation" & then "What is the penalty for falsifying federal documents" )

Family court November 3RD
Then IWC November 8th Mediation Hearing
See how this goes....








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